“Online Opportunities, Options and Other Fabulous Freebies”
Education is getting to be more and more like a great big breakfast
buffet where you can pick and choose and learn this way or that way
from this source or that school and combine it all together to make
one mighty fine breakfast. It is wonderful because the more options
there are, the more likely everyone will find something that works
for them even if it is completely different from what is on everyone
else’s plate. Join Cara as we explore the opportunities and options
that can be found online that can add flavor and spice to your
educational plate and all for free at the touch of your fingertips.
Presented by Cara Dansie
"The Montessori
Reading Program - How to Make Your Own"
The Montessori reading program works! Originally designed by Maria
Montessori for special needs children in Italy, it combines sensory
rich materials with natural movement and activity. As an age
appropriate manipulative, it is irresistible for children ages 3-7.
Steps of the program include learning the sounds of the alphabet
(not the letters!), moveable alphabet with objects, pink level (2-3
letters), blue level (4+ letters) and green level (phonograms &
digraphs). Audrey will introduce the complete reading program
with instructions, links and resources so you can make your own,
too! Presented by
Audrey Frazier
"Montessori for
Come learn how to transform your home into a Montessori learning
environment. Particularly applicable for teaching 2 ½ - 6 year olds,
this class will cover elements of structuring the environment (your
home) and preparing yourself to allow your child the freedom to
successfully self-educate. Practical helps will open your eyes to a
whole new way of simultaneously managing multiple young children.
You will leave with many activity ideas to begin implementing
immediately. Specifically answers the question: “What do I do with
my toddler?” Presented by
Audrey Frazier
"How to Make a History
History notebooks are a great way to involve students in history. It
provides a venue for expression of thoughts and ideas. It is also an
easy way for a student to organize their materials in a
chronological manner. Notebooks become the student’s own history
book, with maps, notes, time lines, essays and research projects
included as part of their book. This class will teach the parents
and students how to create a fun and exciting history notebook, and
how to use it as a learning tool and reference book for life. Presented by
Dan Hunter
"Building Character
Through Homeschooling—Heroes in the Making"
The 1828 dictionary defines character as “the peculiar qualities,
impressed by nature or habit on a person, which distinguish him from
others.” Homeschool parents have the opportunity to teach their
children how to prepare to accomplish the missions life has in store
for them. They have a greater opportunity to be self motivated and
not be “like everybody else,” but to be a thinker and a leader, and
not a follower or, as Oliver DeMille puts it, “to receive a conveyer
belt education.” In this class we will discuss the principles that
will bring about this opportunity for our children.
A Hero demonstrates certain qualities in his/her character which
brings out the best in themselves. History gives us plenty of
examples of heroes. We would do well to learn about these heroes
from history, and follow their examples so that we will become the
kind of person others would like to follow. This class will
demonstrate from history the hero attributes of honesty, courage,
leadership, integrity, honor, faith, and wisdom. Come and learn what
made these heroes great, and see if you can measure up.
Presented by
Dan Hunter
"Make a Joyful Noise"
Learn some fun singing games and activities you can do with your
children to instill a love of music. Be prepared to participate!
What is Solfege, and why is it helpful? We will also talk about a
few different products and methods you can use at home as an
alternative to costly lessons, although I recommend private lessons
for a serious student. Presented by
Tamsyn Spackman
"Gizmos, Flashes, and
Frogs: Science in Homeschooling"
This course offers ideas and resources for teaching science in your
home. We want science to be both fun and interesting because we are
not just teaching kids a series of facts and vocabulary, we are
helping them learn to think logically and systematically. It doesn't
matter if you are just starting out and need a place to begin, or if
you are an established homeschooler with a tried and true
curriculum, you will find something to make science more fun for
your kids. Presented by
Kami Huntzinger
"Living Your Own Life but
Helping Others Appreciate It: Transcripts, Early College and the GED"
Do you wonder how you can concisely explain what your 15 year old
has been doing when they study all the time but aren’t taking
“science” or “history” classes? Is your 16 year old chomping at the
bit to do more and you need serious outside mentors? Does the idea
of your son taking the GED make you nervous? Come to this class! You
will find out how to write transcripts to highlight the activities
and studies your youth has accomplished. Learn what early college
options your youth can get involved in and if what you’ve heard
about the GED is true.
Presented by
Cynthia Hampton
"Youth Scholars and
the Environment Where They Thrive"
How do you create an inspiring environment for youth scholars? One
where they thrive and grow like crazy? In an effort to create a more
inspiring environment for her scholar children, Angela created Erda
Academy. Erda is where the academy happens, but it is also the
German word meaning “earth.” Youth scholars are like seedlings—eager
and ready to grow. What they need is rich earth or an inspiring
environment where they can get down to the business of growing. Our
role as parents and mentors is to create that environment where they
thrive and are inspired to direct their studies toward their
God-given potential. In this workshop, you’ll learn how to connect
with and inspire youth scholars. You’ll come to understand their
needs, their challenges, and what they must accomplish in order to
move forward with vision and purpose. You’ll learn the elements of
an inspiring environment and get a close up of what Angela does with
her students—how they respond, what works, what doesn’t. She will
share copies of some of her class syllabi to help you start your own
inspiring program. Finally, you’ll leave this workshop knowing that
you can! The youth in your circle of influence need you! Presented by
Angela Baker
"Finding Joy in
Simplicity—One Mother’s Approach to a Vibrant Life"
“Mom, you’re always stressed.” I stopped frantically chopping
vegetables for dinner and looked at my 13 year old daughter. “I’m
not stressed, at least not always,” I replied defensively. But her
comment caused me to take a good, hard look. I found a gap between
what I was (stressed and overwhelmed) and who I wanted to be (joyful
and peaceful). How was I going to bridge that gap? Can you relate?
Do you feel stressed and overwhelmed more than you would like? Do
you want to find more joy in your life? YOU CAN! Stress doesn’t need
to dominate our lives. Most often, when stress kicks in, it means we
are not seeing things quite right and signals that we need to
simplify. Motherhood and homeschooling can be joyful. Come. Discover
how it can be so. You’ll learn to see past the overwhelming and
create more vibrancy in your life with The 7 Lenses of Joy. Presented by
Angela Baker
"7 Keys of Great
Teaching—The Difference that Makes the Difference"
These keys work! Wherever there is great teaching you will find
students who are excited about their education. What you won’t find
are resistant, apathetic students with glazed eyes. The fruit of
great teaching is students who dig in and study because they want
to. And in the process these students discover and develop their
God-given greatness and get an excellent leadership education. This
is what great teaching does! The 7 Keys are at the center of great
teaching. Come. Expand your understanding of what these keys are,
how they work, and how you can use them in your home to provide the
excellent education you want for your children. Learning to do so
will be the difference that makes the difference in your children’s
education. Presented by
Angela Baker
"To Preserve the
In 1787 the United States boldly stepped forward in the glorious
light provided by their unique new constitution. The confidence of
the citizenry blossomed. The economy expanded in the assurance that
one’s labor was his own. The nation became invigorated. The
transformation was miraculous! The nations of the world stood in awe
of the newfound strength and hope of this free land. In the 21st
Century, America is in need of a miracle. The United States
Constitution is again that miracle. It must be applied as vigorously
and purely as it was in the beginning. Today’s national challenges
can be traced to a divergence from the original intent put forth in
the United States Constitution.
Statesmen of the caliber of the American founders must be raised up.
The timeless wisdom that established the United States must again be
vigorously applied. The foundational Americanist principles must be
learned, understood, and embraced. The results will be as they were
in the beginning. America may become again the freest, most
prosperous, most respected, and happiest nation on earth. It is the
intention of this lecture to encourage this goal. Presented by
Scott Bradley
"The Father's Role in
Taught from an LDS perspective. Presented by
Scott Bradley
Activities! Improving your child's behavior and learning through a
Sensory Diet"
Does your child learn differently? Does he or she have a difficult
time staying on task or paying attention? Does your child get
overwhelmed or meltdown easily? Are you frustrated with your child's
constant need to move? Come and discover how the brain processes our
7 senses. Learn how to identify your child's sensory needs and find
out how to develop a "sensory diet" for your child that will
decrease frustrations, improve attention, and harness learning
ability. Presented by
Ryan Winn